Luria, A. (1961). The Role of Speech in the Regulation of Normal and Abnormal Behavior

The publication of this book is to be welcomed by all psychologists in the English-speaking communities. It is a notable addition to the all too few records in that language of the important lines of research in the U.S.S.R. Professor Luria is well known to those who attend international congresses and especially well known to those who attended his Special University Lectures in the University of London in October 1957. No one who has met him has failed to be impressed by his scientific acumen or failed to succumb to the charm of his personality. This book will enable many others to enjoy the advantages of the privileged few.
Only just second in importance to research which pushes back the frontiers which divide knowledge from ignorance are investigations which through replication confirm or modify earlier findings. This book, with Dr. Tizard's prefatory note on experimental technique, should greatly assist investigations of the latter kind.
Not less important is the encouragement it will give to the promotion of unity and co-operation in the world of science which of the Worlds in the World is the least bedeviled by international politics and international tensions.



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